Internet Shutdown July 9,2012

Internet Shutdown July 9,2012

Internet Shutdown July 9,2012

According to the F.B.I, the internet is scheduled to be restricted for anyone with Malware on their computer on Monday July 9th, 2012. In order to prevent being affected you must take action to get your computer checked and fixed before then. If your computer is infected and you do have the Malware removed, you will not be able to connect to the internet.

From the F.B.I website;

To assist victims affected by the DNSChanger malicious software, the FBI obtained a court order authorizing the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) to deploy and maintain temporary clean DNS servers. This solution is temporary, providing additional time for victims to clean affected computers and restore their normal DNS settings. The clean DNS servers will be turned off on July 9, 2012, and computers still impacted by DNSChanger may lose Internet connectivity at that time.

What Should You Do?

I just ran a scan of my computer to determine if it was infected or not. Gladly mine was o.k.!! If you would like to scan your computer, you can run a check at, or any site you Google.

Here is the message I received after running a test on my computer:

So what happens if you have malware?
Once a computer is identified as having the Malware virus, on Monday July 9th, you will not be able to long on to the internet using that computer until the Malware in removed.

Internet Shutdown July 9,2012 was last modified: January 7th, 2015 by Bianca

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About Bianca

Hi! I'm Bianca. All that I do and everything that I am blessed with is because of my awesome God! It is very possible to be frugal and live abundantly without being cheap. Our family is on a journey to become debt FREE and I am here to pass on what I learn.
Connect with Bianca on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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