Do you like downloading music? We are huge music fans in our house but downloading from torrents and unsecure websites can cause major problems on your computer. We’ve experienced the spam, malware and viruses that come with those downloads sometimes and decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. But we still want the songs in MP3 format and don’t want to pay full price for them every time we turn around.
emusic is a great SECURE option that is not only trustworthy but on the up and up so you know you aren’t downloading something illegally. Right now they are offering a FREE 7 DAY TRIAL! This comes with $10 credit in your account. That is approximately 20-25 FREE MUSIC DOWNLOADS!!!
Try out emusic and see if you like the services for FREE! This trial is for only 7 days service and includes a $10 credit which should give you 20-25 song downloads. When you sign up, you do have to agree to a monthly “plan” and input your credit card information but you can cancel at any time within the first 7 days and have no charges on your account. Do be careful when downloading during your trial because it is NOT unlimited during that time – it only covers the $10 credit you receive so do watch the amount you have downloaded and what is left on your credit or you may find yourself with a charge for the first months full usage.
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