Finish Line: Get 2 College Team Sweatshirts for ONLY $32.10 Shipped!! & 6% Cash Back!


Finish Line has some great deals today on College Sweatshirts!! You can purchase them for 2/$50 and then use code SAVEME20 and $20 will come off your total.  PLUS right now Finish Line has FREE Shipping on all orders! Pull up sweatshirts in the search line and look for your favorite team – HUGE selection of men’s and women’s style (zipped, pullover, etc.)
















Here is what to do:

Head over HERE to Shopathome and login or signup! {New Members get $5 Bonus}

Click “Shop Now

Search: sweatshirts {look for your favorite teams}

Add to cart and use code: SAVEME20

Get FREE Shipping Automatically!

That’s it…Your 6% Cash Back will be in your ShopatHome account within 30 days!!

I was able to get two sweatshirts for only $32.10. One for me and one for my hubby! 🙂








Finish Line: Get 2 College Team Sweatshirts for ONLY $32.10 Shipped!! & 6% Cash Back! was last modified: August 25th, 2011 by Bianca

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About Bianca

Hi! I'm Bianca. All that I do and everything that I am blessed with is because of my awesome God! It is very possible to be frugal and live abundantly without being cheap. Our family is on a journey to become debt FREE and I am here to pass on what I learn.
Connect with Bianca on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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