FREE Personalized Tiny Prints Birthday Card

Tiny Prints has FREE Birthday Greeting cards today only with the coupon code FREEBD!  You can choose the “send it to me first” option and receive the card for FREE or you may choose the “mail it directly to the recipient” and pay 44¢ for postage.

Limit one per household.

These cards are awesome because the quality is great and you get to personalize them with pictures and more!!

Head over HERE to Tiny Prints!


FREE Personalized Tiny Prints Birthday Card was last modified: November 21st, 2011 by Bianca

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About Bianca

Hi! I'm Bianca. All that I do and everything that I am blessed with is because of my awesome God! It is very possible to be frugal and live abundantly without being cheap. Our family is on a journey to become debt FREE and I am here to pass on what I learn.
Connect with Bianca on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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